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May 11- Kickoff approaching!

Just over a week to go till I start. My body seems to be adjusting to the training walks. This past weekend I did 25 kms and my hip didn’t protest too much. During the walk I stopped to stretch when it stiffened up using the new techniques that Kevin Aitken gave me. The following days were much easier than those after my previous training session. With luck, my body is adapting to the “new normal”. The first 5 days I expect to be the most difficult, so I hope I can find a good masseuse in Drumheller!

Plans for the kickoff event are hitting a few snags. Both the west side of City Hall and Olympic Plaza were booked previously for Friday the 20th. The area in front of Arts Commons on 8th Ave may work, though. The folks there seem willing to try to help out since I really just need a power supply and space for whatever supporters show up. Friends are supplying an amp and mike…now if I can track down a boom box, we’ll be all set!

I was hoping to get some sort of media coverage and have contacted several people we know from various news agencies. The focus for most of them is rightfully on the fires in Fort McMurray so it’s unclear whether any will find the time to cover the kickoff. I’m hoping quite a few people can come out to walk on the first day – I have some lovely lettered pinnies to wear!

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