1. When do you start? May 20, 2016. One day after my 25th wedding anniversary!
2. How far is it from Calgary to Saskatoon ? About 600 kilometers
3. How long will it take? Should take almost a month including rest/golf days.
4. Who are you raising money for? The Ore Gangue Alumni Bursary Fund and the Heart and Stroke Foundation
5. Are you walking alone? I'll walk the whole distance but I'm hoping others will join for as much tiime as they can.
6. Where will you stay? Campsites, hotels and motels along the way. Will have a support vehicle to carry clothes, golf clubs, etc!!
7. How can I support your walk? Contribute if you can. Come walk with me! I'll keep my progress updated on the website, Facebook and on Twitter.
8. Are you crazy or stupid or both? Both.